Other Publications
THIS PAGE lists all the King-Cat Book Collections and non King-Cat publications currently available, with prices. (Individual issues of King-Cat, and subscription rates etc, are listed on the KING-CAT COMICS page - see link above). For ORDERING instructions, please click on the HOW TO ORDER link at the top of this page... thanks!
This little zine was a premium for my 2020 Patreon subscribers, and I recently made a second printing, so here they are! Three short stories of Yuletides Past, based on memories from 1973, 1980, and 1989… Christmas Stories features the comics “From a Buick ’66,” “Mysterious Gift,” and the lysergic “Ho, Ho, Ho.” 12 digest pages, black and white throughout. $4.00
The latest King-Cat collection from Drawn & Quarterly compiles issues 62-68 (2003-2007), along with a selection of previously unpublished strips and detailed commentary by John P. Features such classic stories as “Trombones No. 1,” “Great Western Sky,” The Sound of the Birds,” “Like a Pigeon,” “Iowa City,” “Las Hojas/Football Weather,” “Freeman Kame,” and the first batch of Diogenes comics. Every page of the original zines is reproduced in order including front and back covers, letters columns, Snornose pages, and Top 40’s. Also includes the standalone zines 3 Poems About Fog and The Ones Everybody Knows in their entirety. 308 pages, 6″ x 9″, two color cover, black and white interiors. (Drawn & Quarterly) $23.00

Over the winter of 2010-2011 I found myself at the lowest point of my life: Twice divorced, heartbroken, mentally insane, and living in poverty and isolation in a cold, grey cinderblock apartment in a small, gritty town in Northern Illinois… South Beloit.
One of my projects at the time was illustrating a book about suicide, The Next Day, for the Canadian publisher Pop Sandbox. As I trimmed the pages to size, I found myself with ninety-one 2” x 6” scraps of Bristol board. They looked perfect for a comic strip, so I began drawing upon them one little diary comic per day. I tried not to censor myself (though sometimes I still did), but to just let the ink spill without preconception or prejudice. South Beloit Journal collects these strips.
40 pages, 6.5″ x 8″, two color covers, black and white interiors. (Uncivilized Books) $6.00
I found a box of these I didn’t know I had, so this 1997 flip-book done with Joe Chiappetta is back in stock! 32 oversize pages feature otherwise unavailable King-Cat and Silly Daddy comics, plus color covers and a color jam centerfold. Wowza. $2.00.

►NEW! While I was down in Gainesville in February we put together this little zine of 10 inkwash drawings of Florida Wildlife, including gators, bugs, lizards and snakes. A portion of all proceeds goes to the Sequential Artists Workshop. 16 mini-pages, 2 color risograph printing; $3.00.

This zine collects poetry written by yours truly from 1997-2002, and acts as a kind of supplement to Map of My Heart. Includes 30 short poems (text only, no illustrations). 16 digest pages, $2.00.

This minicomic features a brief poem/comic (four pages) about stars. 8 mini-sized pages total, $1.00.

Collects three all-new stories dealing with my history of physical and mental problems. “The Hospital Suite” recounts the summer of 1997, when I was repeatedly hospitalized with a mysterious abdominal ailment; “1998” covers the fallout from my surgery of ’97; and “True Anxiety” details my struggles with anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, from my youth through the present day. Surprising, not as depressing as you might think, with plenty of Big Laffs™. Includes Bonus Comics and Notes in the back. 264 pages, approx. 6″ x 9″, two-color covers, black and white interiors, paperback; $23.00
(Pop Sandbox, 2011) by Paul Peterson and Jason Gilmore, Illustrated by John Porcellino. My latest project features the true stories of four suicide survivors– the lives that led them to their decision, and their lives in the wake of it. Published in conjunction with a National Film Board of Canada sponsored web-documentary. 100 pages, in navy blue ink; softcover, perfect-bound; $17.00.

(Drawn and Quarterly, 2009) by John Porcellino: Map of My Heart collects selections from King-Cats 51-54, as well as issues 55-61 in their (near) entirety, including such classic KCat strips as “I Saw Where the Root Hog Lives,” “Psalm,” “Forgiveness,” “Introduction to the Night Sky, ” and “Punt No Tell,” among many, many others. Over seventy-five individual comics and stories are included, PLUS: Extensive endnotes, maps, bonus comics, journal entries, and the complete 24-page mini-zine, The Kukoc Cat Named Maisie. 360 pages, softcover, $25.00.

(Hyperion, 2008) by John Porcellino, from the writings of Henry David Thoreau: On Independence Day in 1845, the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau moved into a small cabin, built by his own hands, on the shore of Walden Pond outside Concord, Massachusetts. He lived there for two years, two months, and two days, and wrote a book about his experience called Walden, which has gone on to become one of the most influential philosophical works the world has known.
Walden’s message of self-reliance, self-reflection, social criticism, and harmony with nature has resonated with readers for over 150 years. Thoreau at Walden is an impression of Thoreau’s time at the pond, with text taken directly from Thoreau’s own published writings. Henry David Thoreau is one of my biggest inspirations as an artist and as a human being, so this project was very near and dear to my heart.
110 pages, 8″ x 10.5″, with and introduction by D.B. Johnson, coloring by JP Coovert; with endnotes and a quotational cross-reference. Color covers, interiors in brown and black ink; Hardcover. $17.00.

(Drawn and Quarterly, 2007) by John Porcellino: This 384 page hardcover collection compiles the “best-of” the first fifty issues of King-Cat, 1989-1996. It features such classic strips as “Hold Everything” and “Ringtail Revenge” (starring Racky Raccoon), “Three Balls,” “Ed the Happy Trucker,” “October,” “Justify My Love,” “Desperation Angels,” and much, much more, including the All Sam issue and the Violent Garden, Ranks of the Damned, and Cadillac March series in their entireties!
Rounding things out are a generous selection of King-Cat articles, essays, “Snornose Pages,” Top 40’s, letter columns, cover images, and an extensive set of endnotes.
Beautifully designed by Tom Devlin, this book is a giant chunk of King-Cat history, much of it unseen for over fifteen years!
6″ x 9″ hardcover book with dust jacket, 384 pages. Over 140 individual comics and stories. Two color covers and b+w interiors. $30.00

(La Mano, 2005) by John Porcellino: In my younger days I worked for five years as an exterminator– a Mosquito Abatement Man — and wrote about my on-the-job experiences in King-Cat. This collections contains all the Mosquito Abatement stories as they originally appeared in the zine, 1989-1999, plus 30 pages of new comics drawn in 2004 to round things out. Nicely designed by Tom Devlin, this book received the 2005 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Anthology or Collection. Two color covers, b+w interiors, 106 perfectbound softcover pages, 5″ x 8″, with notes. $12.00

(Drawn and Quarterly, 2005) by John Porcellino: This collection contains all the King-Cat stories taking place in the year 1986: “Live Evil” (from King-Cat #50), “Belmont Harbor” (From King-Cat #47), “Perfect Example” (52-53), and “Escape to Wisconsin” (from issue #50). An epic story of teenage confusion: Girls, friends, girlfriends, guitars and punk rock. Full color covers, nice colored ink interiors, squarebound paperback with French flaps. 124 pages. $17.00.