THIS PAGE lists all the issues of KING-CAT COMICS currently available, with prices, as well as subscription rates. (Book collections and other items are listed on the OTHER PUBLICATIONS page – see link above). For ORDERING instructions, please click on the HOW TO ORDER link at the top of this page… thanks!
King-Cat Subscriptions are available, see chart below for rates! When ordering a new subscription, please let me know which issue you’d like it to start with! Thanks! You can also order a subscription online at!
4-Issue Subscription
U.S.A. — $25.00
CANADA — $31.00
Gift Subscriptions are also available. Just include the name and address you’d like it sent to!
PLEASE NOTE: At the rate I’ve been going lately, a 4-issue subscription will last about 2-3 years! So if you’re a subscriber, please let me know if your mailing address changes! Thanks!
Current and Back Issues:
This jumbo-sized 48-page issue features: Cartoonist Hijinx, BBQ Joint, Fragments of Memory, Diamonds vs Pearls, Demolition Derby, Childhood Reveries, Letters, Top 40, Dreams, and lots more! 48 digest pages in mesmerizing black and white. (Spit and a Half)
Features: Michi Moo Love, Nature Notes, lots of stuff about 7-11s (and video games and Conan’s Savage Sword); plus: Walking Slowly in the Backyard, Wooden Toothpicks, Dreams, Driving Country Roads, Catbird Talk, Letters, and more! 32 jam-packed digest-sized pages in glorious black and white. (Spit and a Half)
The epochal thrills of Medicine Cabinets, Garbage Days, and the decline and collapse of American Empire all come together in this new issue. Plus: Sparrows in the Rain, Faded Hearts, Where’s Miss Moo, James Brown vs Prince, Monobrow, Letters, and all the rest. 36 digest pages, black and white throughout. $5
This daring 2020 issue features: Married, Young Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Feeding the Birds, Squirrels, Dreams, Letters, Top 40, Mom, Childhood Neighbor, Flowers, and a Chimpanzee. YES A CHIMPANZEE. 44 digest pages in glorious black and white.
Too long in the making, the new issue is here at last! Features: High School Memories, Backyard Dog Comix, A Visit to the Mystery Spot & Dickeyville Grotto, Grandpa John, Beer Bottle Poem, Top 40, Letters, a SPECIAL SURPRISE GUEST ARTIST, and more! 36 digest pages, black and white throughout. $5.00
This issue features lots of funny animal stories like “A Story About Ninny,” “Lady Tuff ‘n’ Tender,” and “Nighttime Encounter with the Void”; tons of Nature Notes featuring Monarch Butterfly Lifecycle and “Shrews Thru History”; an extensive letters section with notes from T.E. Bak, Megan Kelso, and more; plus poetry, Top 40, a Zen Story, and the Usual Gang of Schtuff. 40 digest pages in eye-catching black and white. $5.00
This All-Animals Issue features stories on possums, dogs, cats, Midwestern mountain lions, moths, horses, frogs, toads, and more! Plus Catcalls and Top 40 etc etc. A winner. 40 digest pages, black and white throughout. $5.00
The new issue features A Trip to the Confluence, Dreaming, Old People in Restaurants, Sports Radio, Fall Signs, Winter Signs, Radishes, Birds, and 9 pages of fascinating Letters to the Editor; more. A Weird One — Not Bad. 32 digest pages, black and white throughout. $5.00
The long-awaited ALL-MAISIE issue is a book length story of my cat Maisie’s life history. 48 digest pages, $5.00.
KING-CAT COMICS #74 (November 2013): Newest issue has: Moving Day, Lying in Bed, Bridges of South Beloit, Body Odor Blues, Travel Comics, Bowser, Bat Love, Letters, Top 40, and more! 32 digest pages, b+w; $4.00

New issue features that rascally Mr. Bowser, cat fun, In Search of the Cuckoo Bird, a Comix Dream (with cameos by Kevin H. and Anders N.), letters, a poem, Top 40, and more! 32 digest pages, in glorious black and white. $3.00

Recent issue features heartbreak, lonely skies, woodchucks, bats, cats, dreams, and radioactive squirrels; Top 40, more. 32 digest pages. $3.00